domingo, 16 de agosto de 2020

Pecados de juventud

Todos tenemos pecados de juventud. El mío fueron algunos escritos que no sobrevivieron a las limpiezas de primavera. Como rareza, tengo estos dos textos que escribí cuando estaba estudiando Literatura Inglesa. No fue lo único que escribí, pero sí lo único que sobrevivió. Recuerdo que era muy buena escribiendo haiku en inglés, lástima que no puedo evaluarlos ahora.

Los comparto contigo. Trátalos con cariño, son inocentes y fugaces, como la juventud.

A walk in the woods


Dammit! I hate this horrible plan… My shoes! They are lost! My Italian shoes! And my suit! It’s a Valentino’s! A real one! I should’ve listened to my Mamma! The old lady is sometimes right! Ugh! Crap! And this is Paolo’s idea! Little bastard! Well, now he’s in hell, where he belongs, but I have to… Dammit! Bye to my suit! I’ll kill this bird! Who says nature is nice!? Hell to it! This is for the stupid scouts! It’s getting late and I have to finish this! Well, better him than me…

It’s getting dark and this is not my kind of place! Ornella… what’s she doing now? Nice little beast! She’s so hot! What a donna! I wish I was there and not here! I bet she wants a new ring… the diamonds are… Well, if she behaves she’ll have it, why not? I’m receiving a lot for doing this! Of course, no one else wanted to do it so the boss said “Beppo, do it!”

And I’m here: screwed wet, hungry and lost in the middle of nowhere… Tress and more tress, crappy stuff on the floor and… Shit! Rain! Ok God! What else do You have for me? I go to Church twice a year and I give money to Padre Cesare!... And now You send spiders! You know I hate them!

Va be’ Beppo, keep walking… deeper and then… ciao! I’ll run back to my car and disappear! This is going to be expensive. Well, the boss must be prepared… maybe, just maybe, he’s the next…


Gabriela Ladrón de Guevara de León (2002)


Love like salt


Listen to me: I’m not giving you my heart, my soul or my mind.

I’m not holding your heart in my hands.

I’m not dancing with you under the stars.

I’m not dreaming of you.

Listen to me: I will never die for you.

But I’m living with you…

Gabriela Ladrón de Guevara de León (2002)


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